Happy Love bouquet (9 Red Roses) – Valentine’s day


Celebrate the magic of love with Florist-Phuket’s Happy Love bouquet—an enchanting composition destined to captivate hearts on Valentine’s Day. This carefully curated arrangement boasts nine exquisite imported red roses, each carefully selected for its pristine beauty and vibrant hue. The roses are expertly surrounded by a harmonious blend of green filler, adding a touch of lushness, contrast, and elegance to the bouquet. A greeting card is included in the price of Happy Love bouquet.We invite you to explore the intuitive calendar feature below to select the perfect delivery date for your Happy Love bouquet (from February 11 to February 15)

SKU: 9RRVD Category:


Embark on a journey of profound love with our Happy Love bouquet from Florist-Phuket. This carefully crafted ensemble transcends the ordinary, featuring 9 magnificent imported red roses that embody the essence of deep affection and passion. Each bloom is meticulously chosen to ensure freshness and vibrancy, symbolizing the enduring beauty of your love.  Complementing the roses is a lush assortment of green filler, including statice, round leaves of eucalyptus, or delicate gypsophila, meticulously arranged to provide both splendor and contrast. The entire bouquet is elegantly enveloped in a white gift wrapper, adorned with a striking red ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication to your heartfelt gift.

In the rich tapestry of Thai culture, the number 9 holds significant meaning, representing luck and good fortune. By selecting our Happy Love bouquet of 9 roses, you not only express your deep affection but also infuse an element of auspiciousness into your gesture. The price of this captivating bouquet from Florist-Phuket flower shop not only covers the premium imported roses and vibrant green filler but also includes the exquisite white wrapping and a delightful greeting card. Personalize your message on the checkout page, adding an extra layer of sentiment to your gift.

Furthermore, we offer flexible delivery options for your convenience. Enjoy complimentary delivery in the Patong Beach area, or choose paid delivery to other parts of the island, tailored to your specific postal code. Seize this opportunity to make your Valentine’s Day truly special with the Happy Love bouquet, where every detail speaks the language of love and elegance.


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