Pure Sentiment bouquet
Pure Sentiment bouquet from Florist-Phuket flower shop. This large bouquet consists of 31 imported roses, so you can order it for a Thai girl or a girl from any other country who is currently living or vacationing in Phuket, Thailand. Large imported roses are accompanied by a light gift wrapping with a pink bow and a greeting card on which we will write your message or name. According to your wishes, we can change the shade of pink roses or change the number of flowers (for example, when you want the number of roses to match the age of the girl on her birthday). Flowers can be delivered on the same day if you pay for the bouquet before noon.
The ethereal beauty of the Pure Sentiment bouquet from Florist-Phuket, a resplendent arrangement designed to captivate hearts and convey deep emotions. This magnificent bouquet features 31 meticulously selected imported roses, blending the purity of white roses with the tender charm of pink roses. Together, they create a stunning harmony that speaks of sincere affection and delicate romance, perfect for expressing pure sentiment to a special someone.
White roses, with their pristine elegance, symbolize new beginnings, innocence, and respect. They offer a serene complement to the pink roses, which represent admiration, gratitude, and sweetness. The juxtaposition of these two colors in one bouquet creates a narrative of pure and heartfelt emotions, making it an ideal gift for a loved one residing or vacationing in the enchanting island of Phuket.
Our roses are carefully arranged and accompanied by a light, elegant gift wrapping adorned with a soft pink bow. A personalized greeting card adds a thoughtful touch, allowing you to convey your unique message or name. Should you wish to tailor the bouquet to a specific occasion, we offer customization options, including altering the shade of pink roses or adjusting the number of blooms to match significant dates or ages.
Our dedicated team of Phuket flower shop ensures the freshest flowers are delivered right to the recipient’s doorstep, with same-day delivery available for orders placed before noon. Enjoy the convenience of free delivery within the Patong Beach area, while deliveries to other parts of Phuket and neighboring provinces are available for an additional fee. Trust in our professional florists to handle your order with the utmost care, ensuring that your gesture of love arrives in perfect condition, no matter the destination.
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